17 Jul 2004

The Enneagram: A Christian Perspective (by Richard Rohr and Andreas Ebert)

I'd been interested in the Myers-Briggs personality typing system for some years. Only recently, however, I'd started noticing another system, known as the Enneagram. It's more controversial, in the Christian world. Whereas Myers-Briggs is accepted within most churches (and used in many), the Enneagram is considered by some to have occult roots.

So I was pleased to find this book by Richard Rohr and Andreas Ebert. Both these writers are Christians. Moreover, both of them clearly believe that the Enneagram has positive uses, and is even relevant within the church.

'The Enneagram: A Christian perspective' is exactly what its title implies. It's a very helpful explanation of the Enneagram system from a Christian viewpoint. It doesn't have the useful questionnaires that some of the other books do, but it has helpful descriptions of each of the nine types, particularly from the viewpoint of likely churchmanship, preferred styles of prayer and worship, and so on, as well as more general descriptions.

Perhaps it's a little heavy in places. I should think it would be hard to follow if someone knew nothing about the Enneagram in advance. But I would recommend this highly for anyone wanting to reconcile this fascinating personality system with Christian belief.

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