1 Aug 2014

The Vitamin D Miracle (by Vincent Miles)

I had high hopes for this book, which I downloaded (free) for my Kindle. I knew, of course, that lack of Vitamin D is a significant problem in most of the Western world in the 21st century, in part due to excessive use of sunscreen. I knew that Vitamin D is hard to find in natural foods and that many people rely on supplements. I also knew that lack of Vitamin D can contribute to various diseases.

So I assumed that this book would let me know more - it’s not a short book, and at first glance seemed quite academic. I knew nothing of the author, Vincent Miles; I can't find a website for him, but it appears that he's interested in natural health, and self-taught.

Unfortunately, I did not learn anything new from this book. There are many ‘facts’ and figures quoted, although there does not seem to be any real structure to the book; I use the word ‘facts’ advisedly, as there are no references cited anywhere, although the author claims to be using material from various studies. While I am sure that much of the information is true, none of it is explained in layman’s language, despite a somewhat condescending introduction which says that the book would simplify a complex subject. From my perspective - and I am not entirely ignorant on this subject - it did the reverse.

Indeed, the more I read, the more bewildered I became. There is repetition, there are contradictions, and there are places where it appears that the author does not actually understand what he is writing. In one place, for instance, it seems that he does not even know what a placebo is.

Moreover, the style is not consistent; it reads as if the author has taken entire swathes of text from elsewhere, altered a few words and added his own comments in places. This is the only way I can account for the lack of structure and conflicting information in the book.

While the motivation for writing the book was probably sound - the general public may well need to be educated about the importance of this vitamin - the information contained in it could have been reduced to perhaps a page. In a nutshell: Vitamin D deficiency is widespread and may contribute to many diseases and health conditions. Get out in the sunshine if you can, and take a supplement if necessary.

Without any citations there is no way of knowing which of the studies mentioned were serious ones, or who sponsored them - and thus I cannot recommend this book.

Only available in Kindle form, and no longer free.

Review copyright 2014 Sue's Book Reviews

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